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Mr. RauRauR | February 13, 2025

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Top 10 Tips to Produce More Sperm and be a Sex Rockstar

Top 10 Tips to Produce More Sperm and be a Sex Rockstar

When having sex, there are few things worse than a premature ejaculation. There are some men who would say that not being able to finish or not ejaculating is worse than that. Admittedly, impotence or not being able to keep up an erection is bad, and that condition does have pharmaceutical cures. Though some women would not complain if it takes men longer to orgasm, sex can get very painful for women if their partner just keeps on going even when empty. To make sure that doesn’t happen, here are some tips to produce more sperm:

10. Drink plenty of liquids

10. Drink plenty of liquids

A big percentage of ejaculate is water. Keeping yourself hydrated, but not bloated, helps in the production of sperm and seminal fluid. The recommended daily minimum is 8 glasses of water. Although, this figure includes all water consumed, including water in milk, coffee, juice and other liquids. It would be much easier to just drink two glasses of water after every meal, on top of juices and coffee. If you exercise a lot, you can add another quart of water to your daily water intake.

9. Do your kegels

9. Do your kegels

Men have the same muscles which women use for kegel exercises. Exercising these exercises help in several ways. First off, it stimulates muscle activity below the scrotum. Additionally, it strengthens the muscles in the area, including the muscles which aid in erection, and the sphincter. With control over these muscles, you would be able to control when you would orgasm during sex. The simplest way to describe these exercises is the control of the urine flow when you pee. Start with stopping and continuing your peeing at will. Once you can feel the muscles involved with that bodily function, you can then do the exercises wherever you are. You can advance to mastering the control of your hardon, more like “raising the flag” whenever you need to. You can do these exercises while queuing in the bank and nobody would notice.

8. Rest and Sleep

8. Rest and Sleep

Sperm production is helped along by adequate sleep. Less stress also makes for better production of sperm. Get your much needed rest whenever you can, so that you won’t be shooting blanks when a hot date comes along. Getting enough rest is usually the lowest priority for most people. However, for optimum performance at work and play, rest and sleep are a requirement. A direct result of a good sleep is a happy disposition. For some people, waking up to a partner who isn’t nasty in the morning is a bonus in itself.

7. Wait between ejaculates

7. Wait between ejaculates

First off, the production of sperm is a continuous activity. The more time you wait between orgasms, the more sperm is ready and waiting in the vascular tubes. If you don’t do anything to ejaculate for two or three days, the vascular tubes should be full, by then. To gauge this, you might want to do something which most men don’t like doing: a sperm test. This test will tell you how mush sperm you have and how you produce it. You can then calculate the rest time needed to top up. Another way to impress your partner is to wait a while after an orgasm before attempting sex again. Careful pacing can result in a repeat session, or even a three-peat.

6. Eat oysters

6. Eat oysters

Among food, oysters keep popping up in lists of aphrodisiacs. It might not really be an aphrodisiac, but it contains micro-elements like selenium and zinc which aid in production of sperm. Get good quality fresh oysters, and if you eat them raw, that would be better. If not, Oysters Rockefeller, Baked Oysters or Oysters with lemon should also hold out well for more sperm.

5. Eat nuts

5. Eat nuts

Nuts, specifically almonds and walnuts, are rich sources of natural micro-nutrients. For some reason, these micro-nutrients in food are ingested by the body much better than commercial pills. Nuts are also a rich source of proteins and healthy fat, while being non-fattening. You can snack on nuts when you have a food craving, instead of a pastry or sandwich.

4. Take eggs

4. Take eggs

Another good source of micro-nutrients are fresh eggs. While you’re at it, if you can get a hold of organic eggs from free range chickens, that would be better. The difference between regular eggs and organic eggs is the amount of other chemicals which make their way to the egg. These come from the chicken feed that is used in commercial farms. Besides sperm production, eggs help stave off Alzheimer’s disease.

3. Eat spinach and other cruciferous vegetables

3. Eat spinach and other cruciferous vegetables

This cruciferous vegetable is rich in iron and micro-nutrients which aid in sperm production. You can have it in salads or as a garnish. You can also have spinach with your sandwich instead of lettuce. Other vegetables which you can try are brussels sprouts, cabbage, lettuce and broccoli. If you are not too fond of green leafy vegetables, one way around that problem is to cook the vegetables yourself, so you can season to your satisfaction.

2. Early morning sex

2. Early morning sex

This is related to having adequate rest and sleep. Studies have shown that sperm count is expected to be higher, first thing in the morning, preferably after a good night’s sleep. Early morning sex after a restful sleep might be a problem for most people, as these two events appear to be mutually exclusive. It would take a bit of work to schedule this. If you are lucky, and you get the circumstances planned right, the mood might be a bit strained but the ejaculate should have more than the usual volume.

1. Masturbate but don’t ejaculate

1. Masturbate but don't ejaculate

This is a tricky procedure. Masturbation is an activity which releases sperm. However, it also induces the body to produce more sperm. The trick is to masturbate to orgasm, but not reach it. Simply put, masturbate but try not to cum. If you have a hot date in the evening, you can schedule several sessions of masturbating in this manner. There is no need to be reminded that if you ejaculate, you would have either runny, watery ejaculate later on, or you might not ejaculate at all.

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