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Mr. RauRauR | March 29, 2025

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Top 10 Things to Remember When Doing Penis Enlargement Exercises

Top 10 Things to Remember When Doing Penis Enlargement Exercises

No matter what a woman says, a man will always believe that size matters. This has led to an industry which caters to this belief. There are two parts to this belief. First of all, it’s the woman who should be able to answer if there’s a difference. If a man has any doubt about size versus performance, then he should ask his partner. That is, if he dares. In most instances, those who ask, have doubts about their sexual prowess in satisfying a woman. The second part of this belief stems from the proliferation of porn. In today’s world where the Internet is always accessible, porn is just a click away. And as with everything else on video, everything looks bigger. It is also possible that these are bigger because that was the main qualification. Except in some countries, the girls have bigger boobs and butts, and the men have bigger penises. This penis envy is real, and it has helped create an industry based on the belief that a bigger penis attracts more girls, and assures better performance in the bedroom. To address the problem of the small penis, there are devices, pills and exercises to enlarge the penis. Whether these work, is debatable and better left to scientists and women. Either way, if you want to engage in penis enlargement exercises, there are several things you need to know and do:

10. It will most probably not work

10. It will most probably not work

You can try out the exercises, but studies have shown that penis enlargement exercises do not work. The premise is that the penis is an all-muscle appendage. The reasoning goes that if you develop the muscle, then the whole penis should also grow.

9. Stay safe, don’t use any devices

9. Stay safe, don't use any devices

One common technique which is touted to work is the use of a constricting cock ring. Misuse of the cock ring can lead to painful injuries. Other devices used include one which looks like a portable cow milking machine. If the enlargement exercises work there should be no need for other devices which suck at your penis.

8. No creams

8. No creams

Creams follow the logic of breast enlargement creams. The penis is supposed to grow with the use of the cream. Rubbing the cream around the genital area is supposed to make it grow. You only have to wait. The only exception to using creams is if it was used as a lubricating agent.

7. Stop if it hurts

7. Stop if it hurts

Pain in the groin or genital area is painful. Penile enlargement exercise should not hurt. The penis is a delicate piece of machinery and it takes a specialist to fix it if it hurts. Usually, these exercises do not cause any pain. It is a good idea to make sure that the exercises are done correctly and that there is no way to make a mistake.

6. Watch out for skin breaks

6. Watch out for skin breaks

Skin breaks and abrasions will happen. But these happen only if the exercises are done correctly. Skin abrasions can also happen if the skin is dry or if the exercises are done too vigorously. If there are any abrasions, wounds or skin breaks, clean up the wound and the area around it. Take measures to keep the area clean. Having a skin break can lead to infection as well as open wounds.

5. You can stretch the skin by so much

5. You can stretch the skin by so much

Skin has a natural elasticity, but there are circumstances when the skin cannot expand anymore. Pediatric surgeons usually expand the skin first before operating on a baby. In the same manner, penile skin can expand but only by so much. In order for the penis to grow, the skin has to be able to expand to the expected new size. Otherwise, the growth is constricted to the size of the available skin.

4. Do not constrict the blood flow

4. Do not constrict the blood flow

The hard-on happens because of the blood going to the penis. The penis is a bunch of muscle with a large network of blood vessels. The hardon results from blood engorging the penis, making it stand. Constricting the blood flow is counter-intuitive to having a bigger cock.

3. Injuries are painful

3. Injuries are painful

One common injury resulting from the penile enlargement exercises is a sprain. It feels like a kick in the groin. Stay within the instructions of the exercises. Over-extending the penis will be like having blue balls, but more painful. When doing your exercises, also make sure that the area is disinfected. Also, take measures that pee cannot accumulate around the open wound.

2. Get some rest

2. Get some rest

You do not need to be doing the exercises at every moment of the day. Resting will allow the penis some recovery time. Additionally, regular rest will give the penis some recovery time. Growth does not happen overnight. Resting will not only allow the penis to grow, it will also allow the man some time rest on his own.

1. You should be able to use it

1. You should be able to use it

A larger penis does not happen overnight. If additional inches were to appear, it would still take a long time for that to happen. Meantime, do not forget to use your penis with other women. That is, engage in sex as much as you want and with any partner that you want to be with. Besides, women are in a better position to know if your cock is growing or not. Engaging in sex or having a better sexual experience is the reason you want to have a larger dick. So while waiting for that to happen, engage in sex.

The above safety considerations assume that penis enlargement exercises do work. What varies between individuals is their enthusiasm in making this happen. For this to work, it has to become part of the daily routine or it becomes a habit. There should be no problem doing enlargement exercises in public. A guy playing with his penis while making it larger sounds like a cliché and childish, but if it does work, it’s a one big bragging right.


  1. Suthap Klomrod

    The old saying “use it or lose it” can be applied to nearly anything, and when it comes to penis function and overall health, it is especially true. A lazy penis that rarely gets up and goes is much more likely to put on a limp performance when the opportunity arises than one that is in top form. Like the rest of the body, keeping the penis in shape requires some effort at physical conditioning. Activities that benefit the whole body are a good place to start. But for men who just don’t have the time for a full workout, or those who aren’t feeling motivated to get up and go, some simple, yet effective, penis exercises can help to pick up the slack and can be done just about anywhere. Visit for more information about treating common penis health problems

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