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Mr. RauRauR | March 28, 2025

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Top 10 Shaving Pubic Hair Tips to Consider Before Your Honeymoon

Top 10 Shaving Pubic Hair Tips to Consider Before Your Honeymoon

Your wedding day is only a few days away and you cannot wait for your Bali, Indonesia honeymoon getaway with your husband. You have everything packed: clothes, shoes, make-up kit, lingerie, more clothes and more lingerie. Everything is ready, but you should never ever forget about how you will look on your special trip together. Since your manicure, pedicure and haircut are already expected to be done perfectly on your special day, do not let your excitement forget the look of your femininity down there. Get rid of your pubic hair and let your husband enjoy every inch of you. Shaving pubic hair is not difficult to do. However, you will need to familiarize yourself on the do’s and don’ts so you will not hurt yourself. Whether it is your first time or not, you must remember that you do not shave your pubic hair as soon as you wake up. You need to allot at least 20 minutes before you can shave because the skin swells naturally overnight. Here are the top 10 shaving tips that you need to know:

10. Throw that cheap razor away

10. Throw that cheap razor away

Unless you want to have nicks and cuts on your delicate area, ditch your cheap disposable razor. Invest on a right razor like Schick Quattro that will not require so many strokes just to clear every strand of pubic hair. Disposable razors are good when you forgot to bring your own razor or you are on travel. It is also good for fine pubic hairs, but definitely not for those with coarse pubic hair. Better razors gets the job done quite well, reducing your chance of irritation and redness.

9. Trim before shaving

9. Trim before shaving

Do not shave your pubic hair if it is longer than half an inch. Doing so will further irritate your delicate area because you will need to make more strokes just to take them off. Trim your pubic hair as short as you can with the help of a comb and a pair of scissors or you can use an electric trimmer. You can also use clippers prior to shaving. Shave your pubic hair with lesser strokes by trimming every strand short.

8. Invest on a high-quality shaving cream

8. Invest on a high-quality shaving cream

Purchase a high-quality shaving gel or shaving cream. Do not just lather up your soap on your sensitive area, invest on a shaving cream or gel to avoid skin irritation. It is best that you look for products with containable, which is responsible for soothing the skin; and silicone or dimethicone to reduce friction. You can check The Art of Shaving cream.

7. Pre-softening is a must

7. Pre-softening is a must

Make your pubic hair less coarse before you start shaving. Pre-soften your pubic hair by allowing your favorite shaving cream to sit for about 5 to 10 minutes prior to shaving. Another option is to take a warm shower or bath for 5 to 10 minutes so your skin will be softer and the hair follicles will relax. Take it as part of your “me time” so you can relax as well. You can also try putting pre-shaving oil or lotion to prepare your pubic region for the blade.

6. Stretch the skin with your hand

6. Stretch the skin with your hand

Make a closer shave of your pubic hair by using your hand to stretch the skin. This will also reduce your chance of getting cuts and nicks. After letting your pre-shaving product to sit on your pubic region for a few minutes, gently stretch your skin and hold it while the other hand runs the razor to shave even the most difficult areas.

5. Avoid the razor bumps

5. Avoid the razor bumps

Ingrown hairs can make your delicate area an unpleasant sight to see. If you have this already, you can try Flawless Ingrown Hair Serum to help you heal up. To avoid having ingrown hairs, avoid tight clothing as much as you can. This is because the tight clothing could rub against your skin, which contributes to the development of ingrown hairs. Wear loose clothing, instead. Allow your delicate area to breathe by wearing cotton and moisture-wicking synthetics. You should also rinse your pubic region after working out in order to get rid of the dirt causing blocked pores. Having blocked pores could hinder proper hair growth, which could lead to ingrown hairs. Apply non-comedogenic moisturizing cream to loosen up the pores.

4. Rinse in between the strokes

4. Rinse in between the strokes

Clogged razors will not work efficiently, even if you bought the best razor in town. You have to rinse the razor in between your shave. Besides, shaving with a clogged razor could add irritation to the skin. Rinse your pubic region well and pat dry with a towel after. To extend the life of your razor, allow it to dry first before storing it. Make sure that all traces of soap are removed. Do not bang it against the sink because it might break. Also, do not use it for other purposes than just shaving your body hair like as a pencil sharpener or pimple popper. Bacteria could be trapped in the razor or worse, it could break. And of course, keep it out of children’s reach.

3. Shave correctly

3. Shave correctly

Shave correctly by starting slow and steady. If this is your first time, start cleaning up the pubic hair beyond your panty line before you take everything off using your razor. After this, you can start shaving the rest of your pubic hair by first going in the same direction of your hair growth followed by stroking in the opposite direction. Avoid going into the same area many times so you will not risk having cuts and nicks. Once your delicate area is used to shaving, you can be daring enough to style your pubic hair in different shapes.

2. Shaving will not make your pubic hair thicker

2. Shaving will not make your pubic hair thicker

Shaving will not make your pubic hair thicker. It is a myth that almost everyone still believes in. Your pubic hair only looks thicker after frequent shaving because an uncut hair has a tapered edge. The edge becomes blunt once cut, making it look stiffer and thicker than usual.

1. Do not forget the post-shaving ritual

1. Do not forget the post-shaving ritual

It does not end yet after doing a clean shave on your delicate area. You need to practice the post-shaving skincare. The area is moist and you need to regulate the moisture so you will not experience inflammation. Apply some baby powder or a skin conditioning shaving powder after shaving.

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