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Mr. RauRauR | March 27, 2025

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Top 10 Reasons to Consider Why I Should Get a Divorce

Top 10 Reasons to Consider Why I Should Get a Divorce

All of us who have taken the vows of saying “I do” at the altar definitely expected a fairytale end like the stories we hear from our grandparents that goes “And they lived happily ever after.” However, unfortunately, such is not the case for many marriages today. You may want to believe it or not, but, divorce rates all over the globe is significantly increasing annually. However, opting for a divorce or not always depends on what kind of relationship a couple has. There are just some relationships that are meant to be and work out and there are some that are better off discontinued. If a marriage is no longer working and is already being destructive not only to both parties, but with the children as well, it is better to go for a divorce than continue living in an unhappy and miserable relationship. There are a lot of reasons and factors why relationships don’t work, and here are some reasons for men asking: why I should get a divorce.

10. Overspending Partner10 Overspending Partner

Money is perhaps one of the biggest problems of many married couple, especially if the couple has different personalities when it comes to the financial aspect of the relationship. If one party likes to save and the other is an over spender, it is most likely that the couple won’t come together to compromise and the marriage can fail in a matter of time. If your spouse is an over spender and you won’t have any of it, try first to talk it out. If you and your spouse can’t come to an agreement about your financial aspect, maybe you are not for each other after all.

9. No Communication9. No Communication

Communication is a very important aspect in marriage. It is considered one of the pillars of a healthy relationship. The lack or absence of communication between couples can be a ground for a divorce. Many married men and women expect their partner to guess what they want to do with their problem. Now this is a huge problem because no one can really guess what you are thinking. The clueless partner often gets the beating either physically or emotionally if they fail to guess what the other partner wants. This often happens to men who are left to guess what their partners are thinking. If there is no clear communication going on with your partner and you can’t get to establish one because of the lack of the cooperation from the other partner, then maybe it’s time considering a divorce.

8. Sexual Incompatibility

8. Sexual Incompatibility

The sexual aspect of marriage can also become one source of conflict between couples. There actually many cases of divorce that are linked to sexual incompatibility. This can be caused by one partner being unfulfilled sexually. Experts note that there is a higher sexual tension between couples if the age gap is higher. Sexual incompatibility can also lead to bigger problems like infidelity which is certainly a major factor for divorce.

7. Less Physical Attraction

7. Less Physical Attraction

As time goes by, a lot of men and women lose their desire to become physically attractive for their partners mainly because of over familiarity. In many cases, this can lead to the other partner to stray away. Let’s face it, men and women are physically oriented. If you can’t stand seeing your partner anymore of what he or she has become, then you can consider a divorce.

6. Lack of Commitment

6. Lack of Commitment

A lot of couples see the marriage vows as just a ceremonial tool and can live their married life forgetting about it. Commitment is one of the major pillars of every marriage relationship. If one fails to exhibit commitment, then the marriage is likely to fail when storm comes. When your partner lacks commitment in your marriage, this goes to show that your partner doesn’t treasure relationship and is fine to live without it or without you. Lack of commitment also indicates lack of genuine love.

5. Lack of Tolerance and Rigidity

5. Lack of Tolerance and Rigidity

A lot of couples show a low amount of tolerance in marriage and stay rigid on how they view and how they want to do things. Many fail to realize that married life is completely different to living a single life where they can get to do things their way. One reason you should get a divorce is when your partner always has to get things done and go their way and refuses to compromise to accommodate your desires.

4. Monsters in-law

4. Monsters in-law

The interference with the extended family on the marriage is one of the hottest issues of couples ending-up in divorce. For a marriage to succeed, loyalty to each other has to be displayed and not to the extended family. Over involvement of the in-laws can be very destructive to the marriage relationship especially when your partner’s loyalty is favored on his or her family and no to you.

3. Substance Abuse

3. Substance Abuse

This aspect is one of the non-negotiable in the marriage aspect unless of course you are both substance abusers. Marriage cannot simply work when one partner is hooked to something addictive and illegal. Illegal drugs can destroy a life of a person and damaged person cannot effectively function as they should be. A substance abuser who refuses to surrender his or her addiction cannot fully function as a lifetime partner and as a parent and can cause heavy problems and depression to the family.

2. Physical and Emotional Abuse

2. Physical and Emotional Abuse

Domestic abuse, whether physical, emotional or mental, is one of the most destructive factors in marriage. When your partner displays any of these abuses, divorce is imperative as to save you and your children from any further hurt. You may want to stay and believe your partner can change but it will be a long and painful road and most of the time, abusers never actually change.

1. Infidelity

1. Infidelity

Perhaps the most evident sign where you should get a divorce is when your partner is cheating on you. This simply means that your partner isn’t loyal to you anymore and has preferred others over you. Infidelity is one of the major players in many of divorce cases all over the world and has destroyed countless of homes. Infidelity is like spitting on the vows you took on the day of your marriage.

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