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Mr. RauRauR | March 25, 2025

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Top 10 Places to be When Looking for Sex

Top 10 Places to be When Looking for Sex

When looking for a sex partner, there are several things to consider. First off, the place should have a good ratio of single women to single men. The people in the place should also be receptive to the idea of having sex, not just of meeting people. The people attending or going to that place or occasion should be there to have fun, and they should be excited to be there. Lastly, it should be a place where the people don’t care if anyone leaves with someone they didn’t come with. Here are some of those places to be when looking for sex which follow the above criteria.

10. Bars

10. Bars

Booze, music, and lots of people. It would be better if there was a dance floor of some sort or a band. A DJ with a good feel for the crowd is a good alternative to a live band. The important part is that, with or without dancing or music, the people go there to meet other people, connect or hook-up. When starting to get to know others in a bar, try to start chatting with them before they get drunk. Drunken conversation are not a good way to move forward. It is actually a bad sign if you’re talking to someone who’s already drunk or more drunk than you.

9. Weddings

9. Weddings

As a general rule, singles try to avoid weddings unless they are really close to the bride or groom. A lot of hook-ups at weddings happen because of the receptiveness of both sexes to the idea of sex. It’s a wedding, and it is unavoidable to be thinking of what the newlyweds would be doing after the reception. Try to avoid party poopers or those who look depressed at a wedding. Those sad attendees are usually older family members of the newlyweds. They may not be looking at the repercussions of any indiscretion after the reception, but it would be hard to explain that you hooked up with the bride’s aunt.

8. School Reunions

8. School Reunions

This usually works with couples who have a history. If you had the chance to be kiss or be in bed with a classmate, this is an opportunity to rekindle the romance. There is no hard and fast rule, however. Additionally, there is no such thing as “what happens in a reunion, stays in the reunion”, unless you both plan to rekindle the heat every time you meet one another in a reunion. This is a safe place to be looking for sex because you already know most of the people in attendance. You might even be planning how to go about having sex, as part of the pre-event preparations.

7. New Year or Christmas Parties

7. New Year or Christmas Parties

Kissing is okay during the New Year Party, as well as during Christmas parties. For New Year’s the countdown culminates in the almost compulsory kiss. For Christmas, standing under the mistletoe is an invite to a kiss. Try to gauge the other party as to how deep and meaningful the kiss can be. Remember that what you want is an invite, or you might be doing the inviting.

6. Costume parties

6. Costume parties

These are occasions to show off your best asset. Whether it’s a themed cosplay or a regular costume party, costumes say something about the individual. Read the costume and the person before making a move. An added bonus is that the costume is a conversation piece to start to get to know one another. There’s no need to mingle, if you found a good conversation companion which might lead to sex. Or, the other party can be engaging and this might lead to more meet-ups or a dates later on. The party is just an opening into the personality behind the costume. The costume is just a hint of what the person wants to convey. The costume is not necessarily the person, but he or she can be.

5. Conventions

5. Conventions

These can be sales conventions, truck conventions, comics or science fiction conversations. What’s important is that the attendees have the same interests. At least the crowd is narrowed down somewhat. Additionally, there are a lot of people who attend these, and they would be staying for the duration of the event in a nearby hotel. There should be no way to fail to have sex during a convention. To increase the odds, you might want to narrow it down further by participating in side events, seminars, or awards nights, or some other activity which allow the attendees to mingle. After hours, there’s always the pool where there are a lot more people who are relaxed and chatting and being friendly.

4. Concerts

4. Concerts

People who go to concerts have a lot in common. They are fans, and want to have a good time. It may be hard to get a word in or to start a conversation, but if you do get to talking, you have a better than even chance of having sex after the concert. You just have to pick the mark. Watch the body language, and double check that the other person is as welcome to the idea as you do. If they are, they would be the ones asking you out.

3. Sports Events

3. Sports Events

There are sports events which are full of testosterone, you might want to pick what events to attend. There are others which are more relaxed and inherently sexy. A case in point, female roller derby is a niche event when you want to have sex. You might get lucky, or you might not. Football, baseball and basketball are good places to find a partner if you are a single woman who knows the game, and is a fan of the team. Tennis, soccer (specially if played in Europe or South America), beach volleyball and surfing, have a good ratio of male to female attendees. Find a sport where the other sex is more likely to appear sexy and lightly clothed, preferably in mini-skirts, shorts or swimwear.

2. Ski Lodge

2. Ski Lodge

Not all those who go to ski slopes ski. But definitely, those who go there want to get warm afterwards. Nobody wants to spend the whole day on the slopes. Almost everyone knows the danger of hypothermia and frostbite, and they want to keep warm as much as possible. One plus about ski resorts is the almost equal ratio of men-to-women. Further, most ski resorts and lodges, have hot tubs and parties. Chat up with someone during the day, and then follow up after dark.

1. Beach Resort

1. Beach Resort

This is almost a cliché. The only problem with a beach resort is that you should be in shape. The better shape you are in, the better your chances. That doesn’t mean that you should look to be in competition level muscle, or swimming ability. It only means that you should have enough muscle not to be too skinny, and have more than enough curves to fill up your beach wear. That goes for both men and women. In terms of swimwear, wear something you can be comfortable and confident in, which also emphasizes your physical attributes. You can attract them in the pool or on the beach, but keep the action behind closed doors.

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