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Mr. RauRauR | March 25, 2025

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Top 10 Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend to Know More about Her

Top 10 Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend to Know More about Her

So you want to know more about your girlfriend but you are afraid to ask questions from her lest she might not like to entertain questions. However the best way you can discover more things about her is by asking her to share with you stories about her life, her likes and dislikes. The best way to do this is to do it in a funny way. Here are 10 suggested fun questions to ask your girlfriend.

10. What animal would like to be?


Granting that your girlfriend has a dog, she might answer she wants to be a dog. But give her the benefit of the doubt and test if she has an independent personality. If, despite her having a pet dog she answers that she wants to be another animal, say, a panda bear, then you know she is a deep thinker and adventurous person as well.

9. If you had one last day to live, where would you spend your time?

If you had one last day to live, where would you spend your time

Her answer is another revelation of her character. If she mentions a fun place such as bar or nightclub, then she is an outgoing and fun loving person. On the other hand if she says she wants to go to Paris or Amsterdam, it may mean she loves to travel and see wonderful places around the world.

8. What kind of food would you like to be?

What kind of food would you like to be

You might be surprised to know her preference for food. Women tend to identify food with sex so if she drops a hint by saying she wants to be an oyster or any aphrodisiac food, then she may be the kinky type of person. You may try to play around with her at this point by expanding the question. It is fun trying to catch her weaknesses and inner desires.

7. Why do cats have nine lives?

Why do cats have nine lives

Her perception about life and survival can be discerned from her answer to this question. If she says something about cats being survivors, she herself could be a survivor from many situations in her life. From there, you may probe more to know if she had been in some troubling experience as a growing child. This could be a bit disturbing so you must not insist if she does not want to reveal anything, or the fun from this Q & A game will end.

6. What super heroine are you?

What super heroine are youThis is a cute question. She may give an answer that is far from what you are expecting. The classic super heroine icons such as Super Girl, Wonder Woman, Cat Woman are boring answers so if she did mention one of them, she might be the conventional type of person.

5. Have you ever bathed in the rain? How did it feel?

Have you ever bathed in the rain? How did it feel

Bathing in the rain is something that is rarely done merely because of some environmental risks such getting exposed to acid rain and all. But if she, at one time in her life, did bathe in the rain, then she is a courageous woman who wants to try new and risky things.

4. Why are dogs and cats enemies?

Why are dogs and cats enemies?

You may both laugh at this point. The question is hypothetical and she is free to come up with her own speculations. You can turn this question into a funnier situation by encouraging her to come up with a comedy skit, which the two of you can enact and end up laughing at yourselves.

3. If you were to cross the rainbow, at what end will you start?

If you were to cross the rainbow, at what end will you start

This is not intended to be a psychological test but if your girlfriend answers that she would start on the left end of the rainbow, she is more of a traditional person. People have the practice of starting from the left when they read and write. Hence if she prefers to start from the left all the time, this shows her righteous trait. If she says she would start in the middle, it shows another aspect of her personality.

2. If there is one person you want to spend your last day in life, who would it be?

If there is one person you want to spend your last day in life, who would it be

Naturally you are expecting to be mentioned here. But hark; do not be hurt if it is not you that she says she will spend her last day with. On the other hand you must realize she is an honest person if she mentions her mom or dad perhaps. You must appreciate the fact that she is not taking a ride on your behalf. At least she is honest enough to tell what she really wants.

1. If you were to be born again, in what place do you want to live?

If you were to be born again, in what place do you want to live

This question is yet another revelation of her inner longings. If she says she wants to live in Paris or in Italy, you will know what places she wants to visit in the future. By then, if you can afford it and you really want to please your girlfriend, you might as well hop in an airplane to visit these places.

Asking the abovementioned fun questions to ask your girlfriend may sound a bit structured and with psychological pattern. When asking them to your girl, do not sound like you are conducting a test on her. Just be natural, laugh it out loud and play the question and answer portion by laughing at silly discoveries about yourselves.

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