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Mr. RauRauR | March 14, 2025

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Top 10 Best Stretches For Lower Back Strengthening

Top 10 Best Stretches For Lower Back Strengthening

Are you looking for stretches for lower back strengthening?  Proper stretching can ease discomfort, build your core muscles, and even protect you from injury.  Here are some of the best stretches for lower back:


1.  Cat and Camel

Cat and Camel

Cat and camel are great stretches for lower back tension and soreness.

Drop to your hands and knees on the floor. Inhale and arch your back toward the ceiling, like an angry cat. Feel the stretch in your upper, middle, and lower back. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.

Next, exhale slowly.  Drop your chest toward the floor, lift your buttocks up, and lift your head slightly.  Feel the arch in your lower back.  Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.

Repeat 8 to 10 times.



2.  Knee to Chest

Knee to Chest

These stretches for lower back and hip muscles will ease any kinks in your body.

Lie on your back on the mat. Keeping your tailbone flat on the floor, pull the right knee toward your chest.  Hold for 5 seconds and repeat three times.  Do the same with your left knee.



3.   Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic tilts are great stretches for lower back strength.

On your back, bend your knees and keep your feet hip-width apart.  Tuck your chin in.  Flatten your lower back onto the floor and clench your abdominal muscles.

Next, move your pelvis toward your heels so that a gentle arch forms in your lower back.  Release slowly.  Repeat 10 to 15 times.

Make sure to keep the neck and shoulders relaxed all throughout.



4.  Kneeling Lunge

Kneeling Lunge

Lunge exercises increase flexibility and mobility.

Kneel on your right knee.  Keep your back and body straight and your hips even.  Your toes on the right foot should be pointing outward.  Feel the stretch along your back and legs. Hold for a few seconds.  Release and do the other leg.

For more intensity, you can raise your hand up or along the sides.



5.  Knee Rolls

Knee Rolls

Knee rolls are ideal stretches for lower back and spine.

On your back, bend your knees and lift your feet off the mat. Stretch your arms out along the floor so they are parallel to your shoulders.  Inhale.  Slowly drop your knees to the right side of your body making sure your shoulders are flat on the mat.  Look slowly to the left.  Hold for one minute.  Feel the stretch along the length of your body.  Now do the other side.



 6.  Happy Baby Pose

Happy Baby Pose

It looks funny, but the Happy Baby Pose is guaranteed to work for a painful back.

Lie flat on your back.  Bend your knees and bring both legs up.  Grab onto the outside of your feet with your hands.

Keeping your tailbone flat, use your upper body strength to press both knees closer to the floor.  Hold for 15 seconds.  Feel the stretch along your back and upper legs.  Slowly release.

Repeat 8 to 10 times.



7.  Press Up

Press Up

Lie face down your mat.  Rest on your forearms and extend your back slowly while keeping your lower body flat on the floor.  Hold for 3 seconds.  Feel the stretch along your back.  Release.

Repeat 5 to 10 times.



 8.  Locust Pose

Locust Pose

You can think of the Locust Pose as a slight variation of the Press Up.  These are excellent stretches for lower back strength.

Lie on your stomach with your hands and toes pointing outward.  Slowly lift your head, chest, arms, and legs simultaneously off the floor.  Stretch your spine while looking forward slightly to avoid injuring your neck.  Exhale and lower down.

Repeat 5 to 10 times.



9.  Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose

This is a favorite stretching exercise for easing pain and releasing tension in the lower back.

Still on your mat with your toes pointing out, fold your knees and bring your buttocks to rest on your heels.  Stretch your body down and forward.  Your arms should be relaxed on the floor, your stomach comfortably on your thighs, and your forehead on the mat.

Feel the stretch to your lower back and spine.  Hold for one deep breath and return to starting position.

Repeat 8 to 10 times.



10.  Superman Stretch

Superman Stretch

Water exercises are extremely effective for treating back pain.

Stand in a pool and hold on to the edge.  Lift off and let your body float in the water.  Stretch your legs out as far as they will go.  A gentle arch will form in your back.  Feel the stretch in your lower back and legs.  Hold for 30 seconds and repeat three more times.

You can also do the Superman stretch on your mat instead of in water.  It is a variation of the Lotus Pose with the arms stretching forward.


These are guaranteed stretches for lower back pain, tension, and fatigue.  If you do these regularly, you’ll also be able to build strength and power.

What are you waiting for?  Get your mat out and work your way to a pain-free body.

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