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Mr. RauRauR | March 12, 2025

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10 Reasons Why Sexual Intercourse is Good For You

10 Reasons Why Sexual Intercourse is Good For You

Experts reveal that having sex at least two to three times a week is actually good for the health. Surprisingly, sexual intercourse doesn’t just bring magic to your physical body; it can also benefit your mental and emotional health as well.

So are you in the mood for some love-making? Here are ten reasons why you should be:

health benefits of sexual intercourse

10. Strengthens your well-being.

Studies show that people who engage in regular sexual intercourse have a great state of well-being. In other words, they are healthier and happier compared to people who rarely engage in an intimate sex.


9. Adds intimacy to your relationship.

Boost the love hormone in your body with a healthy sex life. Higher levels of oxytocin in the body cause the bond between couples to grow stronger. It also makes you feel more generous towards each other.


8. Helps you sleep better.

Ladies, don’t take it personally when your partner goes off to dreamland after having a sexual intercourse. The intense relaxation is brought by oxytocin, a hormone which suddenly spikes every time a person reaches an orgasm.


7. Reduces the risk of having prostate cancer.

A research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that more ejaculations can lead to fewer risks in prostate cancer. Men with 21 or more ejaculations a month are less likely to have prostate cancers than those who only had 4 to 7 ejaculations.


6. Builds self esteem. A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviors noted that one of the 237 reasons why people engage in sexual intercourse is to build their self esteem. Gina Ogden, a renowned sex, marriage, and family therapist, agrees that “great sex begins with self-esteem” and a loving relationship further increases it.


5. Reduces pain. Do you know that sexual intercourse can also relieve headaches, arthritis, and even PMS symptoms? This is because every time men have sex, pleasure hormones or also known as endorphins are at their peak. And the more endorphins you have, pain perception literally slows down.


4. Relieves stress and lowers blood pressure. A Scottish study involving 24 men and 22 women revealed that a healthy sexual intercourse can relieve stress and lower one’s blood pressure. Men who live with their partners were also found to have lower diastolic blood pressure than guys who live alone. So is sex a potent stress reliever? The moaning speaks for itself.


3. Boosts immune system.

Sexual intercourse boosts your body’s supply of immunoglobulin A or IgA, an antibody that fights against common colds and other infections. In a study conducted by Wilkes University, 112 students were asked to give their saliva samples and estimate how many times they usually have sex in a week. Those who had sex twice or more a week have are twice as likely to have higher levels of IgA.


2. Improves your cardiovascular system.

A British study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community of Health found that there is no link between regular sexual intercourse and increase in stroke cases. In fact, the truth might actually be the opposite (see # 1).


1. Burns calories.

Patti Britton, PhD sexologist and author of The Art of Sex Coaching, estimates that half an hour of sexual intercourse can burn at least 85 calories. It might be less than what you can burn while doing kickboxing, but you still get a workout without even noticing it.

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