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Mr. RauRauR | March 27, 2025

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Pheromones For Men: Top 10 Products To Boost Your Attractiveness

Pheromones For Men: Top 10 Products To Boost Your Attractiveness

Osmology has determined that men and women are drawn to each other by pheromones. When released by the body, these pheromones work like magic and cause instant attraction. If you want to enhance your appeal to women, pheromone products may be what you need.

Here are 10 pheromone products for men that will surely enchant any woman:



Price  $79.95


Pherazone is one of the most popular pheromone products in the market today because of its high pheromone content. While most similar perfumes only contain 5 mg of pheromone, Pherazone was formulated to contain 36 mg per ounce. Aside from that, a single spray of  Pherzone last up to 8 hours. To top these features, Pherazone smells like Aqua de Gio and has a 30-day money-back guarantee.


Nexus Pheromones

Price $36.99

Nexus Pheromones

Nexus Pheromones is blended with 7 human pheromone compounds that were carefully selected over a 12 year  research that included inputs from award winning sex pheromone expert James Vaugh Kohl.

What’s cool about Nexus is that it can be applied alongside your regular cologne without any dampening effects. One to three sprays to your body lasts up to 10 hours. The company also gives out a 67-day money-back guarantee for this cologne.



Price $82.94


Attract-RX is an all-natural herbal supplement which is branded as a pheromone releaser tablet. Unlike colognes and perfumes where pheromones are sprayed on the body, a pheromone releaser utilizes your own body’s natural pheromones by stimulating their production and secretion. With Attract RX, all you have to do is take the recommended 3 tablets per day to maximize your body’s pheromone output.


Liquid Trust

Price $49.95

Liquid Trust

This product is recommended for situations where the user would like to form a bond of trust with other people as in professional meetings or social gatherings. Its main content is oxytocin, which is a hormone released into the brain when a person feels secure and safe. Spraying Liquid Trust simulates the process of releasing this “love hormone”. The product is odorless so it can be used with your perfume. It also comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.


Max Attraction Gold

Price $99.50

Max Attraction Gold

Max Attraction Gold contains 8 optimized pheromones to give users the maximum allure. It’s got a musky but cool and fresh fragrance that will attract any female. This product has a total of 38 mg of pheromones and uses SD40-B, the purest of ethanol bases available.

Once applied, Max Attraction Gold retains its effects for up to six hours. This product comes with a free copy of  “Simple Seduction DVD Series”, their 3-DVD documentary on tips and techniques in attracting women.


PherX Pheromones

Price $69.95

PherX Pheromones

The makers of PherX are pioneers in the study of human pheromones. Their formula is based on the scientific study of pharmacologists and biologists. Each bottle contains 18 mg of combined pheromones that include Androstadienone, Androsterone, Androstenol and Androstenone among others.

PherX also has the latest versions which have been specially formulated for gays and lesbians. Since its inception in 2002, there have been no known side effects of this particular cologne.


Edge Up

Price $99.50

Edge Up

Edge Up boasts 12 years of research to discover the perfect harmony of 7 human pheromones and come up with maximum attraction. Its three main ingredients are Anrosterone, Epiandrosterone and Androstenol. Although all three are pheromones, Epiandrosterone is unique because it also offers protection against the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease. This cologne has a unique, masculine and musky fragrance that captures even the most elusive females. They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.



Price $49.95


While most colognes have 7 pheromones, Pherspray claims to combine 10 natural pheromones in a highly concentrated solution that makes it very effective. It’s extra strength solution contains 20mg of scientifically proven pheromones. Pherspray has a strong masculine scent that makes a man smell like real man. A 30ml bottle has approximately 200 sprays.


Alpha Maschio

Price $59.50

Alpha Maschio

Alpha Maschio is the bad boy pheromone spray for men that claims to  attract women within 7 seconds of exposure. It comes in an Italian designed glass bottle and has approximately 230 sprays per 36ml bottle. Alpha Maschio contains 8 different pheromones combined in a 29mg solution per bottle. It comes in both unscented and scented variants using a 4:1 cyclomethicone alcohol base.


New Pheromone Additive for Men

Price $ 54.95

New Pheromone Additive for Men

NPA is an additive designed to be added to your favorite cologne or perfume.  This 2.5 mg product comes in a unique dropper bottle. Each bottle contains approximately 90 drops and each drop is to be mixed with an equivalent of 25ml of cologne or perfume. NPA contains 5 times the androstenone content of other additives in the market.

So turn the tables and get that unfair advantage. Go pheromone and be a phenom of attraction.

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