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Mr. RauRauR | March 25, 2025

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Low-Carb Beer: 10 Healthier Drinks That Are Better For Your Waistline

Low-Carb Beer: 10 Healthier Drinks That Are Better For Your Waistline

Fit men drink low carb beer and it’s their secret. This is how they enjoy drinking without gaining weight.

Would you like to build your body while not setting beer aside? Lucky for you, here is a list of 10 beers with low carb and calorie content.


10. Guinness


You’ll only get 17.6 g of carbohydrates and 194 calories for every 12 oz. of Guinness. It is low in alcohol with thicker texture and milder taste. It contains roasted barley to give you a balance of bitterness and sweetness. You can order 24 bottles for $29 online.



9. Michelob Ultra-Light Cider

Michelob Ultra-Light Cider

Michelob Ultra-Light Cider gives you 134 calories and 11.7 g of carbs per 12 oz. This is the perfect alternative for sugar-coated traditional ciders. The taste is lightly sweet and it is a gluten-free beer. 6 bottles is available for only $7 per pack.



8. Sam Adams Light

Sam Adams Light

This gives you 124 calories and 9.7 g of carbohydrates for every 12 oz. bottle. Although this lager is light, it maintains the rich flavor of hops with balance of natural taste. It has the aroma of caramel malts, hops and yeast. Buy a pack of 6 bottles for $6.50 online.



7. Sapporo Light

Sapporo Light

Sapporo Light contains 8.5 g of carbohydrates and 119 calories per 12 oz. It has the aroma of malt, sweet rice and cereal grains with light yellow color. The taste is rich with malt, creamed corn and sweet rice with a twist of citrus lemon. You can buy it online for $2 per bottle or $10 for a 6-pack.



6. Busch Light

Busch Light

Busch Light has 110 calories and 6.7 g of carbohydrates for every 12 oz. It is made of premium hops, corn, and malt for a well-balanced flavor. It has a smooth texture, allowing you to drink it easily. Packs of 24 cans are available online for only $17.



5. Coors Light

Coors Light

This low carb beer contains 5 g of carbohydrates and 102 calories for every 12 ounce of serving. The taste and texture are refreshing with low alcohol content. It doesn’t stick to your tongue, making it a perfect drink during a hot day. You can buy it online for $16 per pack of 24 cans.


4. Milwaukee’s Best Light

Milwaukee’s Best Light

Milwaukee’s Best Light contains 98 calories and 3.5 g of carbs per 12 ounce. Its aroma is sweet grass with taste of creamed corn. The mouth feel is watery and light with crispy, clean and mild texture. A pack of 6 cans is available online for $5.



3. Miller Genuine Draft

 Miller Genuine Draft

Miller Genuine Draft (MGD) contains 64 calories and 2.4 g of carbohydrates for every 12 ounce of serving. It has mild smell with light gold appearance. It features a clean and watery taste with light crispy texture. You can buy a package of 12 cans for only $11.50.



2. Amstel Light

Amstel Light

12 ounce of serving gives you 95 calories and 5 g of carbohydrates. It appears as yellow with aroma of grains and grassy hops. It has the taste of grains with floral hops and sweet malt. You can buy its 12-bottle pack for only $14.



1. Corona Light

Corona Light

Corona Light has 5 g of carbohydrates and 105 calories in a 12 oz. bottle. Its color is light gold with the smell of strong beer. The taste is also similar to the regular beer with bitterness at the finish. A pack of 24 bottles costs $27 online.


These lagers give you the chance to enjoy beer without losing your gym efforts. Your stomach won’t bulge out even if you drink plenty in a party. But you should drink responsibly because these beers still have alcohol content.

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