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Mr. RauRauR | March 14, 2025

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How to Get Girls: 10 Ways Average Guys Can Win A Girl’s Heart

How to Get Girls: 10 Ways Average Guys Can Win A Girl’s Heart

The game of love is unlike any sporting game. There are no specific rules and no time limits. In order to win, there are no opponents to beat. It’s only you, the girl and how you run the show.

Here are 10 ways to prove yourself and  win the girl of your dreams:


Pursue her


Show her your sincerity. Prove to her that you’re not there just to get girls and have fun. Tell her that you are genuinely interested in getting to know her better as a person.  Look beyond her physical appearance.  Pursue her, but don’t pressure her. You can give her a car chase, but don’t use the sirens because it might scare her away.  Give her all the time that she needs. Time will soften her heart.


Shine like a knight


Be her knight in a shining armor.  Treat her like your princess so she’ll feel that chivalry is alive. Do the little things that make you a gentleman. Be selfless. Open the car door for her or pull out the restaurant chair for her. Those simple little deeds will make her feel so special. She’ll melt like butter.


Compliment her

how to impress a woman

When you tell a girl she’s beautiful, she’s probably heard that many times before. Generic compliments don’t really work. The secret to giving compliments is paying attention to her. When she talks, listen closely to what she’s saying. You’ll discover the things in her that make her unique, special and beautiful.

Don’t exaggerate or make things up just to flatter her. Be honest and sincere when you give her compliments. It will make her feel unique. Honest compliments are the ones that are felt and truly appreciated.


Use your ingenuity

fun and exciting dating ideas

You don’t have to fly her to Paris to impress her. Be creative and think of fun and exciting dates that are not expensive. There are a lot of practical date ideas that will bring wonderful experiences. It’s about quality time and being with each other. You don’t have to empty your wallet to fatten her heart. Remember that it’s the thought that counts.


Show your intentions

how to get a girl to like you

Don’t keep her guessing. Never make assumptions about your relationship. Make sure that you honestly declare your intentions for her. You’ve got to tell her that you want to take your relationship to the next level. Let her know that you want more than friendship. But if she’s not yet ready, let her be and tell her you are willing to wait. Remember that patience is a virtue.


Be proud of her

Be proud of her

Treat her in public the way you treat her when you’re alone. Show her off to other people. Let them know how a wonderful person she is. Tell other people why she is so special and make them understand her uniqueness.  She will be absolutely flattered.


Be Caring

Be Caring

Pay attention even to the smallest of details. Be sympathetic and obliging to her needs. Listen to what she says and what she wants. If she wants to go to the movies, don’t take her to the ballpark. Show her that you care about her. Remember that every little detail scores big in her heart.


Protect her

Protect her

Make her feel safe at all times. Accompany her to the ladies’ room and wait outside the door. Walk her to her car. Fetch her at her office and drive her home. Those sweet little gestures will make her feel protected. She will be more comfortable with you if she feels secured.  A woman falls for a man who can defend her.


Be a Listener

how to get the girl you want

A good conversationalist is not the one who talks the most. It’s the one who listens well and who can extend a conversation. It’s the person who knows how to get girls talking about their personal lives. Don’t ask her questions that are answerable by a” yes” or” no”. Ask her questions that will make her talk more and reveal more to you. The more she reveals, the more she is at ease talking to you. She will feel so important and wanted if you let her speak her mind. If you give her your ears, she might give you her “yes”.


Be yourself

Be yourself

Finally, she wants someone special to share her life with. Don’t pretend to be someone else. You are what you are and no one is like you. That is what makes you special.  Do not be afraid to show that. Be confident and be proud of yourself.  A relationship built on honesty is sure to have longevity.

You don’t win her by playing games with her heart. You win it with honesty and sincerity. Go and prove yourself. Remember that winning is only a matter of time.

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