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Mr. RauRauR | March 29, 2025

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Top 10 College Survival Tips That Most Guys Ignore

Top 10 College Survival Tips That Most Guys Ignore

College can be one of the most enjoyable, enlightening and productive periods in your entire life, it also represents a fundamental shift in lifestyle and taking on more responsibility than you’ve ever had to deal with.

If you’re not prepared for these challenges, life can become incredibly difficult. Take a look at this list of college tips to ensure you’re not one of the unlucky ones!


1. Show up to the first day of class.

college tips for freshmen

This is probably one of the most frequently ignored college tips. Yes, we know, the first few days of college can seem like the beginning of a great vacation. You’ll probably be itching in your seat to get out and explore the campus, meet new friends and enjoy your new found freedom.

The fact is, whilst the first day of classes probably won’t involve anything particularly technical or challenging, you need to get to grips with the basics in your given subjects. If you don’t, you could spend the rest of the semester catching up.


2. Be realistic about establishing a class schedule.

college tips for success

Maybe you’ve spent the summer reading up on some really interesting classes and you can’t wait to dive in and get involved. Maybe you and your friends want to stick together until you find your feet. Whatever the case, 6 hours straight of classes will leave you overworked and disinterested, and your performances will suffer.

When you sign up for classes, make sure you’re building a realistic timetable you can stick to without leaving yourself exhausted.


3. Establish a regular study schedule.

college tips and tricks

Following on from the last college tip, it’s important to establish a study schedule outside of class. Again be realistic and start early, staying up all night before an exam to cram isn’t going to do much for your grades.


4. Establish a place of study.

college tips for freshmen guys

Following these college tips isn’t going to do much good if all your studying takes place surrounded by rowdy football players spilling beer across your books. You need a place where you can concentrate and be free from distractions.


5. Make use of your campus.

college study tips

Remember, this is your education and your future we’re talking about. You are paying for it, so make use of everything on offer, check out the library, your school’s website and anything else you can find to help you succeed.


6. Ask questions.

study tips for college

As per the previous college tip, make sure you’re getting value for your money – ask questions if you don’t understand. When it comes to exams, “I didn’t understand” isn’t going to excuse poor grades, and you could end up spending more repeating classes you fail.


7. Find a study partner.

college survival kit

OK, so this college tip can easily be misinterpreted; finding a study partner doesn’t mean sitting next a cute girl and talking to her for hours instead of doing your work. Studies show that those who work together constructively in groups who support each other consistently achieve higher grades.


8. Prioritise the hardest work.

study hard + college tips


It’s easy to put the complicated stuff to the back of your mind and focus on how well you know the basics, but this isn’t going to help you in an exam. If there’s something you don’t get, make it one of your priorities – work on it so that when it really matters you don’t let yourself down.


9. Treat yourself right.

college advice for freshman guys


Again, this college tip is open to misinterpretation, we’re not saying be lazy! Treating yourself right means eating healthily, not working ridiculous hours and avoiding the use of caffeine as a crutch to get you through those late night projects.


10. Get out there and meet people.

college tips


Social tips are just as important as academic ones, the more you put into the college the more you’ll get out of it. That means getting out there and meeting people, especially those outside of the social groups you became accustomed to in high school. You never know, you might learn something about them and yourself!

Anything we’ve forgotten? Feel free to add your thoughts!

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