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Mr. RauRauR | March 26, 2025

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Skinny Jeans For Men: Top 10 Tips to Wear it Right

Skinny Jeans For Men: Top 10 Tips to Wear it Right

Here’s the painful truth: Skinny jeans aren’t for every guy. For one, you’ll need to have a thin frame to pull it off, and that eliminates a lot of average American men from the list. Pulling off the look is not easy as well; you’ll have to accept that some people will see you as, er… less masculine.

Although skinny jeans for men is considered fashion forward, you need to know how to wear them properly. We’ll show you how.


1. Choose a good fit

skinny jeans men

Too baggy defeats the purpose; too skinny makes it a jegging (those really tight pants women wear) so you’ll need to choose carefully. Look for a tailored, slim-fit look that puts emphasis on the length and shape of your legs.



2. Mind the bottom

mens skinny jeans

If it reaches the floor, it’s the wrong fit. The length should just sit comfortably on your ankles, and shouldn’t bunch too much. However, if you plan on folding up the hem for an edgy look, you could pick something that covers your ankles. But again, if it touches the floor, those jeans are not for you.



3. No sagging pants, please

sagging pants + skinny jeans for men

If the crotch sags too far south, it’s the wrong low-rise for you. Leave those poop drop-crotch pants to Justin Bieber and look for a pair that’s not too loose (because you’re not making a cameo in a rap video) and not too tight (for the family jewels). Compromise.



4. It should be skinny, not tight

skinny jeans for men shouldn’t be too tight

It cannot be stressed enough that skinny jeans for men shouldn’t be too tight – if you don’t know it yet, tight pants and underwear can make you infertile. So while skinny jeans might take some getting used to, don’t punish yourself with extra-tight ones. That’s just wrong.



5. Watch the rear

men skinny jeans

Not all of us are blessed with the ass to pull these pants off, but we can work with what we have. Choose a pair that fits your backside properly. You wouldn’t want this nasty folding in the back of your pants because they’re not the proper fit. So make sure to check your rear.



6. Don’t neglect the shoes

skinny jeans for boys

The perfect skinny jeans for men needs the perfect shoes. Eyes will be drawn to the lower-half of your body, and you’ll need a good pair of shoes. Also, if you like folding the hem up, it’s a good way to show off your footwear. Choose a great pair of loafers, sneakers and ankle boots. Whatever you do – just stay away from those bulky skate shoes.



7. Top it off

Skinny Jeans For Men Top 10 Tips to Wear it Right

Pick the right top. Don’t wear it with big shirts – you’ll look like a flamingo. Keep it sharp, with well-fitting tucked-in shirts. Layer it if you must, and you can also wear a cardigan with your loafers. A broad belt should also give your look some balance.



8. It’s not going to be comfortable

fashion tips for men

The sooner you accept that, the better you’ll wear them. If it’s your first time wearing skinny jeans, then have realistic expectations. Your movements will be restricted and your nuts might feel weird.



9. There’s an age limit

skinny jeans for men fashion guide for men

Nobody really wants to see Gramps sport those skinny jeans on family events. That’s just wrong on so many levels. But seriously, thirtysomething men should probably stick to the slim-fit types rather than skinny jeans. It’s only age-appropriate. But then who are we to say? You could be close to 40 and still rock those jeans better than those twentysomething kids can.



10. Rock it

skinny jeans for guys

What’s the point of wearing fashionable skinny jeans for men if you look like an unhappy undercover FBI agent in them? Piece of advice: If you want to wear it, then rock it. Sure, it won’t feel like a second skin, but you’ll get used to it eventually. Confidence my man, will take you places.


The trick in choosing the right skinny jeans for men is in the fit. If it doesn’t, just let it go. Along with that, remember these other tips from the list and you’ll never go wrong. And for crying out loud, don’t wear them below your butt!  You’re a man, not a peeled sausage.

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